Friday, April 12, 2013

Everest Institute in Eagan

Lisa Malecha was so nice to have gotten Shelby Drentlaw in to shadow the class. Her Mother works there.
We got to do tons of hands on activities. The students practiced on each other with injecting shots and learning how to draw blood. They even let me practice on a fake arm which was awesome. The man in the photo is a guy named Zach that helped me set up.
Lisa quotes: This is Shelby's passion not mine. Lol

State Capitol Field Trip

A group of students that took a field to the Minnesota State Capitol. We learned a lot about our states government branches and passing bills. They were so nice giving us a tour of the entire building and didn't mind us sitting in on decussions of bills that might be passed in agreement.



Funny Annie!
I have nothing else to say cause you can see :D

Ryan's Baby

Ryan's baby
Little HENRY 
He is so cute! :D

Presentation Night of March 1st

Very late post, I'm sorry we have been working on the school's yearbook but here it is, presentation night term three.
Sadie from green advisory project on dog sledding.

Malory from green advisory did her project on dog training.

Nathan and Saige
Japanese Anime VS. American Cartoons

Jeeyoon had told us a story she learned growing up.

A Traditional Koren story

The Sun and The Moon

Nick Hubig
Pixel Art Demostration

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bye Greenwood

We miss you Greenwood, come back to Arcadia!


When you hear physics, do you think boring?
Well, think again!
Welcome to our High School Physics Class. 
Our physics project was to create a roller coaster for marbles out of paper.
Daily work, we're not lazy, we're lamazing!

It was difficult but rather awesome.

A 20 second lasting paradise of fun!

Now tell me, don't you wish you took physics?!?!