Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bye Greenwood

We miss you Greenwood, come back to Arcadia!


When you hear physics, do you think boring?
Well, think again!
Welcome to our High School Physics Class. 
Our physics project was to create a roller coaster for marbles out of paper.
Daily work, we're not lazy, we're lamazing!

It was difficult but rather awesome.

A 20 second lasting paradise of fun!

Now tell me, don't you wish you took physics?!?!

My Emperors New Clothes

An amazing play put on by our middle schoolers.
It was amuzing and fun to watch.
Creating the Emporers new outfit behind the scenes literally

Bravo! Middle School Theatre Class, Bravo!

Playing dead?

Presenting The Emperors New Clothes.....O.o


Evil Masterminds, or one evil and one simi-evil

Welcome Emperor! You know its him cause he's the only one there that wears the crown.


Martin Luther King Day

Happy Holidays Everyone,
It's a Martin Luther King Day celebration here at Arcadia!

Performances from different schools came and presented their creative thoughts towards Martain Luther King Day.

Speeches were made of all of how we are or should all be treated equal.

Choir's singing there heart out,

Student's joined in from Bob's middle school choir class,

two dancers dancing,

seven males of music,

TEN performing arcadia students!

Music was also sung by citizens of Northfield showing off their talent and showing why and how they are just as important as you and I.

Working on art work for the night to be hung and shown off to who ever comes and/or looks at these post, which by the way, "You are awesome people!"

Thank you to all who took part in this presentation for Martain Luther King Day, we couldn't have done it without you. You all made it interesting and helped take part in a new experience.