Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun at Arcadia!

Meeting the National Guard

 Having the National Guard come visit a school for rock climbing, racing, and training doesn't happen often, but knowing Arcadia school, it was bound to happen.
 Rock climbing in the school parking lot was so awesome for all students and teachers to participate in.
 For about the whole afternoon, if you had no classes, this would be something people would like to do.
 Climbing the wall was scary if your affraid of heights, but on the bright side, extremely safe.

 The school you never want to leave.

 If we were able to make it through 3 to 5 minutes of wunning, push ups, crunches, and a few more things, we were able to feel pride in ourselves, and get a free t-shirt.
 We are one school where the victory is ours!
 Our math teacher, Go Lindsey!
 Setting up,
and slidding down :)

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