Friday, November 30, 2012

Whooo! Field Trip!!

Delfos Danza Contempovanea
Our field trip was this, an amazing performance with dancers and unique forms of creative art. Just watching it reminded me of a music box, from the music choices to the display of the stage using video effects and lighting. We may not have been able to take pictures of the actual performers performing, but we do have some pictures of some very interesting peices of art work they had on for visitors to admire.
 Here are some wood carvings and a wrestling mask painted and/or designed.
 Paintings like the bald eagle were shown hung up around the gallery to show the creativity that was put into each peice.
 Clay pottery of bowls, plates painted nicely, and the music of maracas galore. :) 
 Paper Mache
It's kind of hard to see, but this is the stage of the performance and the last picture that was able to be taken before it started. 
The one's facing us are the performers.

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